The Benefits of Cabling Your Home Network

Everywhere you look, going wireless is used as a selling point for everything from phones to home security. There are many benefits of phone wiring a home when you’re building it, though. Here are four reasons you may want to have most of your home network cabled.
1. It’s Faster
If all you ever use your phone for is making calls, a wireless connection is
probably fine. Most people don’t limit the usage of their phones or laptops to
simple communication, though. Internet wiring a home proves its efficiency when
you need to download something, transfer files or print to a remote printer.
2. It’s Necessary for
Every outlet has a group of wires that connect it to the energy source.
Everything that runs on electricity has to eventually be connected to a wire,
even if it’s only to recharge, so being completely wireless is an illusion. If
your network remains plugged in, you don’t have to worry about sudden energy
drops when you use it for something that uses more power.
3. It’s Cost
There is a lot of wiring that goes into the structure of a home. Adding one
more cable for phone wiring a home isn’t going to make that much of a
difference, especially if you do it while the house is being built. It’s much
less expensive to install all the wiring you may want before the walls go up.
4. It’s Efficient
You may imagine that internet wiring a home will leave you with a mass of plugs
and tangled cords under your desk. Most modern cabling can support a wide
variety of applications. By comparison, a wireless device only supports a set
number of functions and may not be able to do anything extra without expensive
When you are deciding between a wireless system and phone wiring a home, it’s important to look at the benefits of both. You are likely to find that having your home wired is the better option.